Why conservatives lose: Part 1
The problem conservatives find for themselves in the modern world is that identity has been rendered a consequence of performance. This is a concept which is primarily championed by members of academia, like Judith Butler, and has since been adopted by the rising ruling elite that is now beginning to seize the institutions of our society, from tech giants to government institutions. As a consequence of the atomizing effects of modernity, conservatives are finding it much more difficult to find people who are willing to perform the identity of conservative, as it was defined 50 years ago, or even 15 years ago. This is perhaps a chief cause of conservative left-ward drift. This tendency of conservatives to increasingly adopt the culture generated by the left. Being that the left dominates the culture industry, and thus, the range of identities people are willing to adopt for themselves, is there any wonder that conservatism is rapidly becoming obsolete? It has completely ceded ground on...