Inherent in this process of modernization is the alienation of individuals from direct social ties organs of mass production seize control of permances and responsibilities which once went to individuals. On the face of it, this could be seen as liberation, but it comes at cost of stripping human beings of all meaning life has to offer. Consumption is given credence over production.

Moral imperialism
The problem the right doesn't seem to realize is that it is completely incapable of defining society. Rather, the right is primarily concerned with reinforcing existing definitions and social norms. This is why the right lacks what political theorist Darren Beattie calls moral imperialism. This ability to spread ones own moral value system and to undermine the moral value system of ones opponents. Conservatism is fundamentally a defensive posture, and this is fundamentally because conservatism is defined by being reserved.
It should be asked whether or not conservatives even deserve be a political party to begin with, being that it's a political party which is ultimately defined by the definitions and symbols assigned to it by it's enemies.
Human beings and society is not static, but rather, they are defined by the definitions and concepts we assign to them. Of you don't play the definitions game, there's no way you're going to win the political game
There's a tendency for the Republican party to allow itself to be colonized by the lefts moral framework.

In a society of mass production and mass media, morality itself becomes a method of producing conformity through media and normalizing ideas, concepts and actions through consumption. In a reality where morality is defined this way, morality merely becomes a function of power, whereby definitions are assigned in a top-down fashion.
Is there any wonder that slander of opposition and censorship and blacklisting is the key mean god in which conservatives maintain their audiences? Knowledge is power, and defining ones opponents as ontologically evil, that is, evil by their very nature and very existence is power.
This is why the conservative establishment is filled with grifters and some of the most intellectually unimpressive people in politics. Their job isn't to educate their audience on politics, but rather, to perpetuate a moral system - signalling to their audience that they best adhere to this moral system. A moral system owned by their opponents, whoa concepts and definitions were manufactured in their institutions.
This is why it is possible for Charlie Kirk, the leader of the largest campus conservative group in the United States to promote transgenderism, yet attack traditional Catholic moral systems. The conservatives exist to normalize the moral framework of the left, even at the expense of their natural constients. This is the cost of being a party which primarily prioritized moral conformity in a country where morality and customs are defined by ones enemy.

Conservatives like Ben Shapiro are moralizers, but they're moralizers in a way which completely cedes moral authority to the left, granting them a monopoly on the definitions and concepts that define our society.
In a sense, they do this because of sheer incompetence, but in another vein, they do this because they benefit from the established moral framework on some level. After all, the moral framework society currently operates in, with clearly defined social taboos, no matter how illegitimate one may seem them to be, grants establishment conservatives a vehicle to not only monopolize the conservative market, but to punish those more talented than they who may challenge them on intellectual grounds. When establishment conservatives attack those to their right, they don't do it on intellectual grounds -they'd almost always lose, but rather, on moral grounds, and on a battlefield with rules estaished by the left. In this way, conservatives exist to uphold leftist moral hegemony by not only accepting leftist morality as legitimate, but by  providing leftist morale frameworks with a kind of antifragility by attacking all those who pose a legitimate threat to them.
To formulate a true strategy to defeat the left, conservatives must find ways to delegitimize leftist morality and leftist taboos on both moral and intellectual grounds.
Leftist moral sins like racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia must be combated on moral an intellectual grounds. They must not be tacitly accepted. They must be delegitimized.

One method our current system uses to defend itself is by promoting identity narcissists into positions of institutional power that define reality in ontological categories that best revolve around their identity group. Being that identity is a multi-faceted concept, no two identities are completely alike. These causes identity narcissists to inevitable conflict with each other. Furthermore, the nature of their ontological categorization places them In opposition to the value system of the ruling society. This is the origin of speech codes and language policing. Words like racist, sexist, and anti-Semitite are merely words used by identity narcissists against the dominant society. It's fundamentally about power and protecting themselves from being displaced from institutional power. Politics ceases to be about political theory and becomes more about moralizing against breaking social taboos which are imposed from the institutions to the general population in a top-down fashion.
This battle between interest groups and identity narcissists to establish ontological axioms that favor them, at the expense of wide portions of society, is why multicultural, multiethnic, multiracial, multireligious societies are doomed to fail without a stable hegemonic force to establish fixed rules of engagement and societal dos and don'ts.

If the truth is unknowable, then it's up to society to decide what truth is. The liberal project of the 20th century revolves around this idea that individuals should be free to define how they experience reality on their own terms. In theory, conservatives should be able to counter this by utilizing standard conservative critics concerning the need for absolute categories and definitions. The problem conservatives have, or course, is that they are not operating under a framework wherein absolute categories can be acknowledged because conservatives have adopted liberalism as the primary context by which they view reality. Liberalism and freedom are antithetical to absolute categories.

 One problem with liberals is that they believe people can be full self actualized individuals. This is the default assumption of most ideologies which contradict the realities of life. Most human beings are not philosophers and are not logical. Especially women, who's existence is far more about sensation than introspection. Solipsism, as opposed to inquiry.


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