Post-Truth America

America is a country of post-truth. That isn't to say that it a society whereby events do not happen, only that those events ideas and concepts are subject to interpretation by so many conflicting interest and elitist groups who interpret those events and ideas so diametrically different as to render determining a centralized narrative almost entirely useless.
This is where taboos come to play their role. The role of taboos are to set the boundaries of discussion, as to limit the possibilities of interpreting truth, history and events. It should be noted that taboos aren't always restrictions which exist to uphold an objective view of reality. Indeed, the limiting of speech and how things can be interpreted is almost entirely a function in facilitating power by those who occupy the institutions.
Truth will be warped, taboos will be altered, all in the attempt to serve those at the top. This is especially true in today's day because, for all intents and purposes, we are ruled by an alien elite who do not at all represent the interests of the average American, but instead represent the amorphous desires of International finance capital, interest groups, the media elite, and NGOs.
This is why the men of our society can no longer assert the reality of the superior intelligence of men over women, the propensity for blacks to commit violence, for Jews to engage in white collar crime, for neoliberalism to destroy the fabric of formerly functional communities, and other such things. To do so would be to violate the artificial taboos of those in power.
The women at the top utilize feminism in this neoliberal system, championing the supposed cause of world-wide female liberation, only to increase their own business opportunities in a world they profess to be unfairly dominated by men. Detroit is a majority black city run by a black mayor, with a black police chief, and with a black city council. Yet, Detroit is one of the most impoverished, crime ridden, drug addled countries in the whole of the United States. Surely, if the black mayor of Detroit wanted to change the life of the average black resident of the city he could do so? The only logical explanations for why he doesn't is either a) because he is only looking out for his own interests and the interests of his constituents, or b), the people he governs simply do not have the capacity to allow these institutions to function and properly as they otherwise should.
You can tell a lot about what kind of society the people at the top wish to create by determining who they fill their institutions with. If they choose to employ middle-class transgender females from Los Angeles over middle-class white male race realists from Chicago, it's pretty obvious what kind of society the people running these institutions wish to create. Or, to be more precise, what kind of world the people who control international finance capital wish to create.
In this case, what both the transgender from Los Angeles and the white race realists from Chicago determine to be true is not void of content. Both interpretations of truth correspond with how accurately or inaccurately they view the world. With regards to the media institution choosing the transgender over the race realists, the race realist is the person who obviously holds views which closest describes observable reality than the transgender. Yet, the media institution chooses to hire the transgender over the race realist what this tells us is that the purpose of the media institution isn't to accurately inform their readers of the reality of the world, but rather, to serve the powerful, and more specifically, International finance capital.
The truth of the reality of race is censored by those in power because to acknowledge race would unleash a whole host of consequences which could negatively effect global neoliberal institutions. Whereby, promoting the falsehood of transgenderism serves the goals of neoliberal globalization, which is a daracinated, atomized society capable of facilitating the fluid motion of capital.
If Conservatives really wished to challenge the transgender phenomenon, they wouldn't do it by propping up quote on quote reasonable transgender voices. Instead, they would deal with transgenders the same way they deal with race realists.  Notably, by straw-manning the position and attempting to humiliate them. They wouldn't tolerate nuance on the issue. They would simply declare it wrong and immoral and refuse to give issue a platform. The fact that the conservative establishment has chosen to prop up one over the other should tell us all we need to know about their intentions. They know that importing millions of immigrants who on average have lower IQs and cultures that are incompatible with our own will destroy the working class, destroy American cultures, and lower waves. They just don't care.


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