
Our perception of reality relies heavily on what we've been trained to see.

Teenagers in the 1950s viewed homosexuality as bad because they were trained to view homosexuality that way by the dominant Hegemonic structures of society at that time.

That is not so much the case today. Even Christianity itself is beginning to bend to the ideological Hegemony of the wider culture. One reason for this is because those whose profess to be our Christian leaders no longer believe in the doctrine of Christianity. We know this because when the rubber hits the road, our so-called leaders always always suit to leftist ontological definitions of what is good and bad, not Christian ones. The right will condemn racism, sexism, and other isms in a second, but not such things as adultery, dishonesty, and sodomy. Why, because on a fundamental level rightwingers either agree with leftist ontological definitions or they're too afraid to challenge them.

One of the most dangerous things about this phenomenon is that leftists ontological definitions are more often than not anti-truth, and therefore, anti-christian by their very nature. The left is almost entirely Post-modern it it's political pursuasion. They believe that man is God and he defines reality as he sees fit. They don't believe that human beings should subscribe to categories of reality imposed on them by nature, but rather, should defined reality for themselves. On a certain level, this is true to some extent. Modernity, liberalism, and technology has liberated man from many of the restrictions imposed on him in the past by nature, but we're quickly reaching a point where the limits of what categories of nature man can successfully rebel against are being seen.  

Inany ways, the Post-modern American man is just as, if not more psychologically disturbed than the modern one.

The adoption of leftist ontological definitions of what is true and false, which we have already determined previously is mostly a result of individual perception rather than an attempt to reach some approximation of truth, compells conservatives to lie. In doing so, conservatives no longer remain conservatives, but instead become progressives. If we are to define Conservatism as abiding by fixed ontological categories which are rooted in a fixed human and supernatural existence, then to subscribe to leftist ontological categories is the death of truth. We see this quite clearly with the adoption of conservatives by such useless words like racism and sexism. It used to be taken as a given by society that differences existed between the races and sexes. That is, until the 1960s and the feminist and race revolutions. Words like racism and sexism are not words which carry inherent meaning and content, but rather, they are words that signal socially that one has transgressed against a taboo. Unlike words like "sinful" which actually describe behaviors and ideas which are harmful to the common good and almost universally bad, wrong, and untrue, words like sexism, racism, etc are explicitly anti-truth in their application. 

By adopting the taboo structure of leftist ideology which upholds the regime of anti-truth, conservatives actively create an environment where a conspiracy of fear cripples those on the right from being able to construct an accurate picture of reality. Not only do conservatives lie, but they demand everyone else partake in the lie. 

We know conservatives don't truly believe in their supposed principles because when we analyze the taboo structure they subscribe to, they're inconsistent with their professed world view. We see this when examining who they promote and who they deplatform. Who they attack and who they ignore. A major reason for this is because, on a fundamental level, conservatives have bought into the leftist, Post-modern idea that there are no narratives, whether they believe it or not. Conservatives believe that man constructs reality around him. That man is God, not that he must abide by gods law. This wouldn't be such a problem if they didn't subscribe to this framework of viewing reality and then go on to construct the world in the leftist image. The fact that, without thought, conservatives find themselves independently constructing a world which abides by leftist principles shows which side has a monopoly on truth and which taboo structure conservatives subscribe to.

In contemporary times, we're seeing this leftist tendency to embrace untruth come back to bite them with the transgender debate, with older leftists, particularly feminists, feeling uneasy with the degrees in which their contemporaries are willing to embrace untruth, just as their superiors were uneasy with them in their time.

We're also seeing this on the right, but in the opposite direction, with the more radical young rightwingers challenging the tropes and categories of the right I'm which they have adopted by the left, such as egalitarianism.

Conservatives and rightwingers are held hostage because they are no longer able to the define the categories that construct their understanding of reality. For this this reason, you can always expect the Conservativw movement to go through a process of self-demolitoon when the time comes for them to seize power. Because they fundamentally subscribe to leftist categories, they are fundamentally unwilling or psychologically unable to define reality in ways that would benefit those who subscribe to their worldview. They have the same aversion to the truth as leftists do.

One reason. For this is because we live in a liberal society with the fundamental presupposition that every individual has the right to define reality for themselves. Another reason for this is because capitalism provides human beings with the necessities to live completely autonomous existences. In many instances, capitalism even encourages habits which atomize society. Yet, you would be hard pressed to find

Their inability to challenge the categories of the mind and social taboos created by the left has crippled conservatives to the point that while they were fighting a non-existent phantom menace of "white-supremacists" the left was indoctrinating their children with critical race theory and Repressive tolerance. Again, we see that conservatives are completely unable to construct a positive description of reality and inflict upon themselves their own wounds.

The easiest way to spot controlled opposition is to detect those who have a vested interest in diluting your ability to discover the truth and construct an accurate description of reality. Controlled opposition has an adverse relationship with the truth almost by necessity because it requires people to subscribe to a nearly curated description of reality.


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