
Showing posts from September, 2021

Why conservatives lose: Part 1

The problem conservatives find for themselves in the modern world is that identity has been rendered a consequence of performance. This is a concept which is primarily championed by members of academia, like Judith Butler, and has since been adopted by the rising ruling elite that is now beginning to seize the institutions of our society, from tech giants to government institutions. As a consequence of the atomizing effects of modernity, conservatives are finding it much more difficult to find people who are willing to perform the identity of conservative, as it was defined 50 years ago, or even 15 years ago. This is perhaps a chief cause of conservative left-ward drift. This tendency of conservatives to increasingly adopt the culture generated by the left. Being that the left dominates the culture industry, and thus, the range of identities people are willing to adopt for themselves, is there any wonder that conservatism is rapidly becoming obsolete? It has completely ceded ground on

Gramsci, the War of Position, and the Revolutionary Vanguard

So, I want to make this video in hindsight of the Black Lives Matter and the conservative response to them. In particular, a the response of people like Matt Walsh, of the Daily Wire, who seemed genuinely dumbstruck by the fact that this sort of thing could happen and that the left could blatantly lie about the events which too place during the riots and that the public believed the leftist narrative of events over the conservative one. It completely emphasized something I've noticed about conservatives for years now, and it's that they completely ignore structural issues. Conservatives seem to not understand that it matters not what is true or false, buy rather what we perceive to be true or false. what we perceive as reality is ultimately a product of our senses. Therefore, it is possible to manufacture what an audience perceives to be true by controlling what they are allowed to see and training them to seek out key ideas, phenomena, and concepts which will ultimately make
Inherent in this process of modernization is the alienation of individuals from direct social ties organs of mass production seize control of permances and responsibilities which once went to individuals. On the face of it, this could be seen as liberation, but it comes at cost of stripping human beings of all meaning life has to offer. Consumption is given credence over production. Moral imperialism The problem the right doesn't seem to realize is that it is completely incapable of defining society. Rather, the right is primarily concerned with reinforcing existing definitions and social norms. This is why the right lacks what political theorist Darren Beattie calls moral imperialism. This ability to spread ones own moral value system and to undermine the moral value system of ones opponents. Conservatism is fundamentally a defensive posture, and this is fundamentally because conservatism is defined by being reserved. It should be asked whether or not conservatives even deserv
 Ideology: Our perception of reality relies heavily on what we've been trained to see. Teenagers in the 1950s viewed homosexuality as bad because they were trained to view homosexuality that way by the dominant Hegemonic structures of society at that time. That is not so much the case today. Even Christianity itself is beginning to bend to the ideological Hegemony of the wider culture. One reason for this is because those whose profess to be our Christian leaders no longer believe in the doctrine of Christianity. We know this because when the rubber hits the road, our so-called leaders always always suit to leftist ontological definitions of what is good and bad, not Christian ones. The right will condemn racism, sexism, and other isms in a second, but not such things as adultery, dishonesty, and sodomy. Why, because on a fundamental level rightwingers either agree with leftist ontological definitions or they're too afraid to challenge them. One of the most dangerous things abo
The purpose of culture is to export ideas, definitions and concepts that help us to export our version of reality onto society. So that society my assign our definitions  and concepts to subject and object. For the most part, human being see what they are trained to see and reality is merely a product of our senses and a preprogrammed idea we have of how to interpret object. We associate the word fire with the object that is fire because from the time that we are born, we have been trained to do so. Likewise, we may assign good and bad to experiences and concepts. With the advent of  mass media, it is now possible to determine how society defines reality by assigning meaning to object through repitition and recognition. Colonizing Ontological goods and evils. Ontology is  becoming, existence, reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. In establishing ontological axioms of good and bad, the process is mostly of definitions, and repeatition. With the adv