Hypergamy as a Basis for Mass Capitalism
-The id
- Human beings are fundamentally motivated by irrational, subconscious impulses.
- Chief among these impulses is the drive to reproduce.
- Female hypergamy is a natural phenomenon found in the animal kingdom
- Hypergamy floats: Females will always pursue men above hem on the hierarchy, negating any conscious pretense they may have for equality.
- Children: The first property and the oldest profession (women sell their sexuality to men in exchange for resources)
- Mass hierarchies are the natural outgrowth of intermale competition, which has its foundations in female hypergamic mate selection.
- Female mate selection and hierarchical structures are symbiotic.
- Mass bureaucratic structures are an outgrowth of human desire to achieve biological needs, practical goods, necessities, and product.
- Mass structures fundamentally rely on underlying male participation in the hierarchical structures.
- Female narcissism and frivolity are key aspects of human society that empower mass capitalism.
- Unleashed hypergamy divorces women from lifelong monogamous coupling.
- It empowers women to use state power to divorce the subjugation of their sexuality from the marriage contract.
- Mass parasitism against the male proletariat.
repeal the 19th!