Failures of Neoiberalism

The failures of neoliberalism are many.
The destruction of communities and nation states has come at the request of neoliberal globalization because it requires no opposition to its hegemony. Liberalism requires a repressive form of tolerance whereby that which is intolerant to liberalism cannot be tolerated. Therefore, liberalism cannot allow anything which challenges the internal logic of liberalism, whether those challenges are religious, scientific, cultural, or economic is of no concern. Viewing liberalism from this perspective, it is understandable why the devoutly religious, race realists, and the “far-right” are a threat to the neoliberal world order because they create a parallel center of power. In this way, the liberalism propagated by the United States isn’t very different from the communism of the Soviet Union. Just as Communism was the state ideology of the Soviet Union, so is Liberalism the state ideology of the United States.
In order to maintain its monopoly on truth, Liberalism must control all levers of power and information: schools, media, finance, etc. Liberalism quickly collapses on itself when an external medium of information and power outside of its hegemony rises to power, allows dissent, and challenges its hegemony and professed preeminence, as can be seen with the rise of the internet and the rise of China. The internet has helped to accelerate the destruction of Liberalism by exposing many of its inherent flaws and contradictions. China has challenged Liberalism simply by virtue of rising to the level of challenging the global dominance of the U.S., all the while being independent of its Liberal sphere of influence. 
One of the primary problems which has given rise to the ongoing fall of Liberalism, as well as the fall of Communism some decades ago, is their dedication to universalism as  means of maintaining their hegemonic power inside the countries in which they are established as state ideologies, as well as applying these universalist values globally. Universalism doesn’t work because human beings are not universally the same. No man is of himself. Men have mothers, fathers, siblings, and teachers. Men grow up in a specific environment, speaking a certain language, exposed to a specific set of ideas, born with a specific set of genes, and growing up in a specific society. This attributes about him are immutable and are an inherent part of his development. This fact alone debunks universalism because universal standards cannot possibly exist in a world with this degree of variance. Human variance and the disparate outcomes and ideas this variance creates is why Liberalism must so heavily rely on suppression and repressive tolerance. What should be noted is that Liberalism is not a spontaneous outgrowth of human progress, but is a top-down phenomenon administered by an elite of a society and its affluent service class. Examples of this can be seen in the Progressive movement of the early 1900s, as well as the modern Progressive Movement, which advocates on behalf of LGBT issues, general acceptance of social maladies, and other ideas and customs alien to the lower-middle class and the working class. By virtue of being a top-down phenomenon, Liberalism is not democratic. It requires the destruction of all other centers of power outside of itself of itself to prosper. The reason why liberals attack nationalists is the same reason why they attack Jihadists. This is in no way equating nationalists and Jihadists, but this comparison is to expose the common link between these two groups which establishes themselves as enemies of Liberalism: the very fact that they exist outside of its hegemony and offer alternative heuristics of how the view the world. The very fact that Liberalism must suppress ideas in order to flourish negates the very nature of Liberalism itself. To bring this discussion full-circle back to the primary topic at hand, which is Neoliberalism, it should be of no surprise that the rise of Neoliberalism has corresponded with a rise in U.S. military intervention throughout the world. The United States has fundamentally thrust itself into a moral crusade to rid the world of all opposing centers of influence which could dare challenge Liberalism, which can best be exampled by its decades long intervention in the Middle-East. In the Liberal's ongoing quest to establish its hegemony via repressive tolerance, Liberalism has thus betrayed itself by becoming dictatorial.


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