
Showing posts from March, 2020

What is Cultural Marxism, by Thuletide

Contents: INTRO PART ONE: Understanding Marxism – The True Purpose of Marxism – Proto-Cultural-Marxism: Race – Proto-Cultural-Marxism: Gender PART TWO: ‘Cultural’ Marxism – What is Cultural Marxism and where did it originate? – Gramsci – The Frankfurt School – Just a bunch of Marxist nobodies? – Lumpenprole Revolution? APPENDIX ONE : Marxism and International Finance APPENDIX TWO : Woke Capital Addendum: What’s in a Name? Preamble I’m sick of seeing so many r*tarded takes on Cultural Marxism. I’m sick of seeing midwit fart-sniffers acting like they’re bigbrained because they can point out the extremely obvious fact that (so-called) “Liberals” and our corporate overlords are (ostensibly) the primary drivers of cultural decay in the West. Most importantly, I’m sick to death of seeing everyone attempting to absolve the utter cancer that is Communism – a cancer that continues to spread, unseen by the uninitiated and the ignorant. I was going to publish this via PDF...

Hypergamy as a Basis for Mass Capitalism

-The id Human beings are fundamentally motivated by irrational, subconscious impulses. Chief among these impulses is the drive to reproduce. -Female Hypergamy Female hypergamy is a natural phenomenon found in the animal kingdom Hypergamy floats: Females will always pursue men above hem on the hierarchy, negating any conscious pretense they may have for equality. Children: The first property and the oldest profession (women sell their sexuality to men in exchange for resources) -The origins of Hierarchy and Competition Mass hierarchies are the natural outgrowth of intermale competition, which has its foundations in female hypergamic mate selection. Female mate selection and hierarchical structures are symbiotic. -Mass Structures Mass bureaucratic structures are an outgrowth of human desire to achieve biological needs, practical goods, necessities, and product. Mass structures fundamentally rely on underlying male participation in the hierarchical structures. Female n...

Failures of Neoiberalism

The failures of neoliberalism are many. The destruction of communities and nation states has come at the request of neoliberal globalization because it requires no opposition to its hegemony. Liberalism requires a repressive form of tolerance whereby that which is intolerant to liberalism cannot be tolerated. Therefore, liberalism cannot allow anything which challenges the internal logic of liberalism, whether those challenges are religious, scientific, cultural, or economic is of no concern. Viewing liberalism from this perspective, it is understandable why the devoutly religious, race realists, and the “far-right” are a threat to the neoliberal world order because they create a parallel center of power. In this way, the liberalism propagated by the United States isn’t very different from the communism of the Soviet Union. Just as Communism was the state ideology of the Soviet Union, so is Liberalism the state ideology of the United States. In order to maintain its monopoly on tr...