What is Cultural Marxism, by Thuletide
Contents: INTRO PART ONE: Understanding Marxism – The True Purpose of Marxism – Proto-Cultural-Marxism: Race – Proto-Cultural-Marxism: Gender PART TWO: ‘Cultural’ Marxism – What is Cultural Marxism and where did it originate? – Gramsci – The Frankfurt School – Just a bunch of Marxist nobodies? – Lumpenprole Revolution? APPENDIX ONE : Marxism and International Finance APPENDIX TWO : Woke Capital Addendum: What’s in a Name? Preamble I’m sick of seeing so many r*tarded takes on Cultural Marxism. I’m sick of seeing midwit fart-sniffers acting like they’re bigbrained because they can point out the extremely obvious fact that (so-called) “Liberals” and our corporate overlords are (ostensibly) the primary drivers of cultural decay in the West. Most importantly, I’m sick to death of seeing everyone attempting to absolve the utter cancer that is Communism – a cancer that continues to spread, unseen by the uninitiated and the ignorant. I was going to publish this via PDF...