A Conversation Between The Dissident Right and Communists

A Conversation Between The Dissident Right and Communists
Source: 4chan

Dissident: Serious question: why are there so many trannies in anarchist/communist communities? seems like discussion is entirely controlled by such a small demographic within a larger group
Dissident 2: CIA counter ops programs wanted to make sure communists even if they managed to get power would be so impotent from cutting their genitals off they are easily coup’d. Communists used to actually win shit until the transgender and LGBT took over them since testosterone laden men were in their ranks and tanks.
Communist 1 to Dissident: Because the standard communist stance on this is to not care about anything but class struggle, this lets them infiltrate and then they start trying to hijack things to be about things other than class struggle.
This has been occurring since the time of Marx and its why, in better times, there were always so many purges.
Unfortunately, today some people have taken the relatively small presence and lack of power of communist organizations to mean that 'we need all the help we can get', and they decide to try and become more accommodating to pushing identity politics.
Dissident to Communist 1: sounds pretty lib to me.
Dissident 2 to Communist 1: LEL
>the key to saving communism is admitting that biological identity, racial and sexual, not just trumps class but is also immutable.
This is like Hoppe's grudging realization that the only way to save libertarianism is to shoot all the libertarians.
Commie-Identitarian to Communist 1: >not care about class struggle
You mean wanting socialism for everyone and not just cis white men. Race, gender and sexuality are bound up the class struggle.
Communist 1 to Commie-Identitarian: You don’t get socialism for everyone by ignoring socialism and going off on a tangent demanding more CEOs of color.
Dissident: Identity politics over took lefty politics years ago. Although it may seem to be a recent development, it was likely the plan the whole time. The more divided a nation, people, etc. is the less likely they are to want to sacrifice for one another.
It takes some other incentive other than money for someone in the upper-middle class to support socialist or communist policies that would likely hurt them economically. Usually a call to nationalism, ethnocentrism, uniting against a common enemy, etc. would do this.
However, with the identity politics of today a poor white or black man votes more along tribal lines than economic. And with more and more identities, lefty politics is more and more divided.
It is quite difficult to get a large group of leftists together to talk about economic policy without it devolving small tribal conflict amongst the member fighting for social policies for their tribe.
It is hard to believe this is not by design.
Dissident 2: In others words, what happened to Occupy Wall-street.
Communist 1 to Dissident: This itself exposes a problem however, as transgenderism is incompatible with materialism. The fact that anyone claiming to be a communist does not instantly reject the idea that people can actually change from one sex to another because they identify more with the others societal role proves they were always compromised with idealism.
Dissident 2 to Communist 1: As a Fascist, you're the one communist I wouldn't shoot
Dissident to Communist 1: What makes the transgenderism scam fascinating is how they not only feel the need to identify with the societal role, but also adopt the material expressions and biology of the sex they claim to identify as. The CIA are clever people, since they made the self-castrating people who remove themselves from the gene pool. It is no shock LGBT homo-capitalism is the dominant cultural force now, since the class conscious can be attacked by the people who opted out of the greater struggles of class and evolution. The reactionary anti-natalism of the urban liberal betrays to a degree a deep seated hatred of people. It's not a serious ideology, it's just a fashion statement, if Stalin was alive he'd be sending them all to gulags and for good reasons.
The "communist" fags and trannies are the ones marching in bank sponsored pride parades. Liberals role-playing as revolutionaries but they don’t give a fuck about the worker at all.
Dissident 2 to Dissident: That too. It is why Corbyn failed, because the homo-capitalists made it a culture war over whether or not to stay in the neoliberal body of the EU and culturally alienated traditional Labour voters.
I do worry Bernie has fallen into that same trap (since he is stuck having to pander to progressives who want stupid shit like transgender healthcare) and if he manages to win in 2020 it would only be because the alternative was a Zionist scammer.
Communist 1: Soviets didn't succumb to homo-capitalism like the left in the US and Europe did. This is because the USSR effectively rejected gender in the way the west does. In the USSR, the sexes were simultaneously more traditional but less socially constrained. This is because in the USSR males and females did whatever they were capable of doing freely, by removing the idea of gender roles the sexes simply did what they were most suited for as a natural outcome of people simply doing what they were more suited for. There were for example females in the military, but doing things females are capable of doing. When a male or a female did or did not do a thing it was not because they were a male or a female, but because they, personally, were suited to it.
This is the practical approach of materialism.

Commie-Identitarian: Why would a trans person be a right winger? You want to kill/ get rid of them.
Dissident to Commie-Identitarian: Homo-capitalism is what they want, idiot. Class struggle isn't a concept to them beyond some bullshit to remove competitors like "cancel culture" is. They're still capitalist pigs, just capitalist pigs who suck dicks more often.
Commie-Identitarian to Dissident: Capitalists didn't even let trans or LGBT+ people exist until they started throwing bricks at the police. LBGT+ people, especially trans people, are some of the most abused and exploited people in the world. You on the other hand know nothing.
Dissident to Commie-Identitarian: Homo-capitalism is a separate strain of capitalism from the traditional reactionary capitalism, it is capitalism regardless.
Dissident 3: You guys are beginning to see correlations between degeneracy and communism.
Eventually, you will eat enough red pills and after maybe one or a few long lasting black pills someone will give to you a white pill and tell you that yes all this is related to God and the war against Christ, which our Lord warmed us about.
When you are mentally prepared to accept white pill information, loom up Fulton Sheen, and watch some of his videos.
He has helped many to explain things further.
Dissident 3: And to answer the original question: Because the movement some 50 years ago traded economic class agitation for sexual liberation agitation in one of the most brilliant psyops the bankers have ever executed
This way the bankers can use you to destroy the last remaining vestiges of their only real enemy (NatSoc) without getting any blood on their hands or putting themselves at risk
Bankers rule you commie idiots after the Bolshevik hordes brought their 55,000 tanks made of American steel to the heart of European resistance and destroyed any hope of freedom we will ever have
Hope you're happy. Enjoy your gay disco.


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