Ben Shapiro vs. Nick Fuentes: Conservatism inc.

It amazes me that in this day and age people still follow the thoroughly discredited figures of what is colloquially described as conservative inc. Conservative inc, for those unaware, refers to the established bureaucracy surrounding the Republican party and conservatives, the figures which are championed as its proponents, and most importantly, the lobbyists who represent them. A brief summary of what this band of malcontent, ill-purposed, frat boys, trust-fund babies, and grifters have achieved for the American people is nothing -unless, of course you define the American people as the lobbyists and special interests who fund this cancerous bureaucracy. In that case, conservative inc has achieved everything it set out to do: it prioritized capital over labor, which resulted in the mass outsourcing of jobs and the de-industrialization of the country. It adopted a laissez-faire approach to government, which in effect merely granted the left a near monopoly on enforcing their agenda. La...